Khwaja Hijran District

Khwaja Hijran is a district in Baghlan Province, Afghanistan. It was created in 2005 from part of Andarab District. The name of the district has already been changed and its new one is Jelga. It has a population of about 45,000, and its main village is Pansíri. and this district the first time regestried by one of goodwill person his Name is Doctor Allah Mir "Watandoost"he is the famous and well known person which service 15 years as Doctor in this district and he was the person which try to record this district as a independence district and finally he succeed to his decision and he register this district in the government of Afghanistan under the name of Jelga District in addition of this Doctor Allah Mir is the person which established a health center by supporting of health ministry of Afghanistan for people of this district the Building of this health center is located in Absarina Village of this district and he provide Facilities of health for this people still he is working as Districts Monitor of Baghlan Province and after that this district name has been change by people because of a ethnic dispute , under the name Khoja Hejran Jelga district now it is well known as Jelga district.